Double Wheel Balance Bike is the perfect first bike for your kids 1.5 – 3 years old. This little bike helps improve your child’s early sense of balance and motor skills development while having fun. Kids are seated so their little legs can reach the ground comfortably. To get going, they simply walk to ride and then eventually run and cruise. Kids can easily and safely control when they stop by placing their legs firmly on the ground. The bike’s tires provide a steady ride across many terrains, taking kids from the sidewalk to the board walk to the soccer field. Padded hand grips, an ergonomically designed seat and shock absorbing wheels give little riders extra comfort. Our Balance Bike features an adjustable seat and handle bars that grow with a child.
Lightweight and strong steel frame
Rubber over-mould wheels for a smooth and comfortable ride
Larger 12″ wheels for easy riding and better balance
Adjustable seat height
Optional add on –
Kick stand
Weight | 5 kg |
Bell | No, Yes |
Kickstand | Yes, No |
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