This sporty bike for boys and girls comes with a bell, a water bottle, training wheels, and a easy to adjust seat post which makes it easy to adjust the height of the seat (with carrying handle on 12-14-16-18 inch)
100% of the bike is assembled, no assembly required.
Features cushioned seat and high back
Also features a sturdy steel frame, a one-piece crank, ball bearing drive shaft, a full chain guard and steel wheels with pneumatic rubber wide knobby tires.
The combination of a front caliper brake and rear coaster brake gives many options for learning to stop.
The heavy-duty, long-lasting training wheels are included in all bikes.
This sporty bike for boys and girls comes with a bell, a water bottle, training wheels, and a easy to adjust seat post which makes it easy to adjust the height of the seat (with carrying handle on 12inch)
100% of the bike is assembled, no assembly required.
Features cushioned seat and high back
Also features a sturdy steel frame, a one-piece crank, ball bearing drive shaft, a full chain guard and steel wheels with pneumatic rubber wide knobby tires.
The combination of a front caliper brake and rear coaster brake gives many options for learning to stop.
The heavy-duty, long-lasting training wheels are included in all bikes.
Basket, bell and water bottle holder can be added as additional accessories.